
What is ERP?

ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning.

Enterprise Resource Planning systems integrate all data processes of an Oraganization into unified system.

The key feature of an ERP system is it uses a single or Unified database to store data for the various system modules.

Various Modules which comes under ERP are listed below:

ii.Supply Chain
v.Human Resources
vi.Warehouse Management

What is SAP ?

SAP stands for Systems Applicatios and Products in Data Processing.

SAP AG has released SAP R/2 Version initially.The architecture of the R/2 system is Mainframe Architecture.

Later SAP R/3 is released which has different from R/2 architecture.

R stands for RealTime.
3 stands for 3 Tier Architecture.

There are over 120,000 installations at more than 30000 Companies.SAP Products are used over 15 millon People in more than 125 countries.

Basic Knowledge Qs

Basic Knowledge and System Navigation Question

What SPRO stands for?

SPRO stands for SAP Project Reference Object
It is used to configure the setting as per your client requirement by using the standard setting present in the system. This where you can do all the SAP configuration work.

What is full form IMG and SPRO? How are they different from each other?

IMG :- Implementation Guide.
SPRO :- SAP Project Reference Object.


Type in the T-Code SPRO under That got to Main Menu which is IMG.

SPRO is basically used to organize the consultant customizing during the SAP Project Phrase.

How to close a window?

If we want to stop a transaction in the middle, Right click on the end button (X) on the top right corner of the window. Then select "stop transaction".
As we dont have STOP icon as we have in WINDOWS, this will help in the same way.

Its a very small tip, but will help a lot.

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